Players needed: 4 per table
  Rounds to play before Banner: varies
  Approx. Time: 30 min
  Game Settings: Manual Fives, 1 Pawn Out, NO Blockades

Can YOU & YOUR PARD make a 'X' without using the 4th ball before your opps ?



You & your pard MUST get ALL your other balls in the home triangle - WITHOUT USING BALL 4 !

Leave Ball 4 in the nest/start at ALL TIMES.   NEVER take it out - unless no other choice!

  • If you have 3 balls out & your dice roll consists of a 5 & a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 - you  MUST MOVE 5 SPACES FIRST.

  • If you have 3 balls out & your dice roll consists of a 5 & 5 - you MUST MOVE 10 spaces.   If 5 spaces arent available, then take out the 4th ball

  • If you HAVE to take out BALL 4 - it MUST move as little as possible & ONLY when no other choice.

  • If there are balls in the ladder & BALL 4 is out - the ladder balls MUST be moved BEFORE BALL 4.

  • DONT make any move that will allow you take out that 4th ball.  You MUST avoid that until no choice.


Keep in mind the following:

  • It's in YOUR teams' best interest to hit BALL 4 (if out) so hit your pards 4th BALL if possible

  • BALL 4 being out will shorten your game because of double doubles & your pard may still need to get their other balls in.

  • If any players' BALL 4 gets home before the X is made, that team loses.

On occasion BALL 3 & 4 may be on the board at the same time.  If BALL 3 is hit, BALL 4 can be moved until BALL 3 comes back out which MUST be done at the FIRST opportunity.

Once BALL 3 is back out, that is the ONLY BALL to be moved until no other choice in which case you can resume moving BALL 4.

Please note that IF ball 4 goes home for ANY reason THAT TEAM LOSES.


Ball 4 is located in the BOTTOM RIGHT of any players NEST or START.

But the BALLS ARENT NUMBERED you say!   How can we keep track of which ball is which?

The balls have a specific place they will go to WHEN HIT or when ENTERING THE HOME TRIANGLE.

BALL 4 is the LAST BALL in the nest for everyone.    You can take out any other ball or hit any other ball & BALL 4 will NOT be affected.  

Just DON'T ever take out your LAST BALL.


Click any COLOR BALL below to check for yourself on ANY BALL NUMBER.   The ball numbers never change.  Only the colors.
You can view all 4 game boards at one time at the bottom of this page.

Blue/Green   Red/Yellow




Facts about BALL 4

  • BALL 4 is ALWAYS SHOWN as BOTTOM RIGHT for each player from YOUR point of view

  • If BALL 4 gets hit, it will ALWAYS GO BACK to the BOTTOM RIGHT of the nest from YOUR point of view.




 If you want to see all 4 game board views at once:   Show Me All Views or Close Them Up


Game Board Graphics modified & used with permission from Safe Harbor Games. - The BEST GAMING SITE on the net !!

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