Players needed: 4 per table
  Rounds to play before Banner: varies
  Approx. Time: 30 - 45 min
  Game Settings: Manual Fives, 1 Pawn Out, NO Blockades


This can be played as Singles or Pards

The objective is to be the FIRST player to get all 4 pawns home however..
you may not put a pawn IN HOME, unless you have another pawn ON your 'STRIP'.

Your 'STRIP' is the 7 colored spaces UNDER your home triangle.
( marked in purple on the image to the right )

The safety directly under your colored 'STRIP' is NOT part of your 'STRIP.
Its part of the outer game board.

Think of it like this:

If ONLY YOU can put a pawn on a particular space,
    then its part of YOUR colored 'STRIP'.

If ANYONE can put a pawn on a space, then its part of the game board.

BLUE has 2 pawns on their 'STRIP'
so they are free to enter 1 pawn home at any time but..

RED & YELLOW MUST WAIT until another pawn is in their colored 'STRIP' before they can put another pawn home.
BLUE & YELLOW were able to put a pawn home but..
they MUST wait until ANOTHER pawn is IN their 'STRIP'
before they can enter another pawn in home.

RED is also waiting for another pawn to enter the 'STRIP'

YELLOW now has 2 pawns home
 will NOT be able to put another pawn home UNTIL
their LAST PAWN is IN their colored 'STRIP'.

GREEN put a pawn home before he should of.  This is a MISPLAY.

When a MISPLAY occurs, that player MUST resign
so the game can continue with the other players 1 player wins.

The PARDS version is played the same as SINGLES except:

  • You & your pard are BOTH working to be the FIRST to get 4 home for your TEAM.

    • This is NOT a TEAM TOTAL format

  • It doesn't matter which pard gets the 4 in FIRST, you BOTH will move on as a team.

  • If one pard is DQ, your team is NOT out yet!!   The other pard STILL CONTINUES to work for THE TEAM to move on.

    • In other words, If you were DQ'd for a MISPLAY but your pard ended up being the the FIRST to get 4 in - you BOTH ADVANCE.

    • Kibitzing for the pard that got DQ'd is ALLOWED on the table they were DQ'd from.


  • Your colored 'STRIP' may only have 1 or 2 pawns on it at ANY ONE TIME.   You may never have 3 pawns on it.

  • Pawn order is not important.   Pawns may enter the 'STRIP' or go home IN ANY ORDER.

  • The dice can force you to make a move that will result in a DQ.



  • Put a pawn on the safetys under a players colored 'STRIP' to keep them from 'parking' their own pawn there!




Game Board Graphics modified & used with permission from Safe Harbor Games. - The BEST GAMING SITE on the net !!

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