Players needed: 4 - TOP 2 each round move on
Rounds to play before Banner: 2 to 3
Approx. Time: 30 min Round
Game Settings: Manual Fives, 1 Pawn Out, NO Blockades


The play is normal BUT only 1 of YOUR balls may be on the board at a time!

Thats right!   You may NOT take out another ball until the previous ball is IN the home triangle.

There are exceptions to this but ONLY when your ball is in the ladder...

  • ...and you need a 4 or less to enter home...

    • ...and you roll a 5/1 or 5/2 or 5/3 or 5/4 - move your ball in the ladder FIRST & then take out the next ball.

    • ...and you roll a 5/5 or a 5/6 - take out another ball & move it

  • ...and you need 5 or more to enter home

    • ...and you roll a 5/5 - move your ball into home & take out another ball out of the nest

    • ...and you roll a 5/6 - move your ball into home & your turn will end.

ALWAYS move the ball in the ladder FIRST over any other ball on the board IF its possible.

When the number of spaces you have to move is LESS than the total of the dice ALWAYS move your ball the HIGHER number

  • You roll a 3/4    You have 6 spaces you can move.    You MUST move the ball 4 spaces.

  • You roll a 2/3    You have 4 spaces you can move.    You MUST move the ball 3 spaces.


If a player takes out another ball before its time to & their turn ends, they will have to resign & the game plays on.



Players have just started & each  have 1 ball out   Players each managed to get 1 ball in & working on 2nd
Blue had to take out a 2nd ball because they are waiting on a 1 but had rolled a 5 in the meantime.   Red trying to get home to win.   Remember, the TOP 2 players will move on based on Neptunes Report..


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