Players needed: 4
Rounds to play before Banner: varies per host
Approx. Time: 30 - 45 min per round
Game Settings: Manual Fives, 1 Pawn Out, NO Blockades.   Other hosts may change the options for their tourney.


Play with a Pard to be the team with the highest total of pawns in the HOME TRIANGLE when the game ends!!  

Please note that playing the game ending pawn doesn't necessarily mean your team wins the game!!

Red plays the GAME ENDING PAWN so..
Red has 4 pawns in & their pard Yellow has 1 in - Total: 5 Pawns in HOME TRIANGLE
Green has 3 pawns in & their pard Blue also has 3 in - Total: 6 Pawns in HOME TRIANGLE
In this case, the team of Green / Blue would win.

In case of a tie, the TEAM that played the GAME ENDING PAWN will be the winners.

Tips from other players on playing Pard-chisi..

  • When possible, sit on the safety by your home till your pard gets close then move into a position where your pard can hit you.  It only cost you a couple of spaces, but gives them a nice boost to land near their HOME TRIANGLE.  Your pard will can do the same for you.
  • Don't hit your pard if they are more than 1/2 way around the board.
  • Don't sacrifice yourself so much that you don't get any of your own pawns in home.  Its a TEAM game.  Remember, its the total of the teams pawns in the HOME TRIANGLE that determines the winner.
  • Having all of your pawns out to get full doubles is not always in your teams' best interest.
  • If you're close to playing the ending game pawn & your team doesn't have enough total pawns in the HOME TRIANGLE to win, you may have to prolong the game a bit.  Example: You need a 8 to win.  You roll a 5/6.  Play the 5, NOT the 6.


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