Players needed: 4
Rounds to play before Banner: varies
Approx. Time: 30 - 45 min Round
Game Settings: Manual Fives, 1 Pawn Out, NO Blockades


Chisi-Cide..   Where Spades & Pachisi collide!!

1 player on each team will try to put their 4 pawns IN home, while their pard tries to put in NONE !!


When the table opens each team MUST say which they are doing.   Either '4' or 'nil/0'.

  • PlayerA>  I'm going 4 so my pard is nil

  • PlayerB>  What my p said

  • PlayerZ>  I think ill go nil so pard you have to put in 4.

  • PlayerY>  ok bossy pard lol

Once its stated OFFICIALLY on the table which pard is going Nil & which is 4 - IT CANT BE CHANGED.

Pease dont start your game until EACH TEAM has posted what they are each going.


The game ends when one pard puts 4 in home OR the nil pard puts 1 in home.


Red & Blue are going for '4'     Green & Yellow are going for 'nil'



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